What is Hair Restoration?

Hair Restoration is a non-invasive, non-surgical and aesthetic solution to hair loss or baldness.

With a greater focus on looks in today’s world, thinning hair and hair loss can be demoralizing for both men and women and may cause anger, sadness and anxiety.

The most common factors which lead to hair loss are hormone imbalances, lack of right nutrients, heredity, stress, etc.

If you want your confidence back and are looking for authentic advice on hair restoration, then you are in the right place. Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery is the best hair restoration clinic in Ahmedabad.

Types of Techniques for Hair Restoration:

PRP THERAPY (Platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss)

The PRP therapy is a safe and non-surgical therapeutic option for hair restoration for males and females who are experiencing hair loss. This therapy has no side effects and is successfully being used for over two decades.

This therapy is based on the research that says, “Hair follicles growth could be stimulated by a number of growth factors present in the platelets and plasma”.

How does PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy work?

The objective and primary purpose of using PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate the growth of inactive or newly implanted hair follicles.

Mesenchymal stem cells present in human blood, essential and specific growth factors present in autologous blood products assist in tissue re-generation and healing. When these special Platelets are activated, they stop the bleeding, accelerate the rate of tissue healing and tissue regeneration and help in new cellular growth. These growth factors in platelets help in hair growth or slow down the hair loss.

The doctor draws out the patient’s blood, then the blood is treated in a centrifuge to separate the platelets rich plasma (enriched cells) from the rest of the blood. These plasma rich platelets contain growth factors which are very useful in tissue regeneration and healing. Under a local anaesthetic agent, this platelet rich plasma is injected into the scalp where hair growth is needed. This procedure of injecting plasma into the scalp is performed using a special micro needle.

No sedation or medication is required.

Benefits of PRP Therapy for hair loss:

  1. Simple and non-surgical.
  2. A small sample of blood is needed to perform this procedure.
  3. It accelerates the tissue healing process.
  4. No discomfort.
  5. Safe and reliable.
  6. Natural looking end results.

Benefits of PRP Therapy for hair loss:

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic treatment that helps to treat baldness for both men and women. It slows down the balding process.

How does Mesotherapy Work?

In Mesotherapy, the scalp is essentially injected with nutrient rich liquid (vitamin and proteins) which improves blood circulation in the treated area. The improved blood circulation nourishes the hair follicles and promotes hair re-growth. This also leads to the strengthening and reviving the hair follicles and creating dense and voluminous hair.

This procedure is performed with the help of a special Mesotherapy gun that carries a sterile needle which injects the solution in the scalp.

This is a safe treatment with usually no side effects or allergic reactions.

Benefits of Mesotherapy for hair loss:

  1. It’s a safe technique.
  2. No anaesthesia involved.
  3. Quick recovery.
  4. Painless
  5. Almost nil side effects.

What is PRP Treatment for Face?

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma treatment involves the injecting of the plasma and growth factors in the targeted areas of the skin, thus, promoting the collagen growth and regeneration of the tissues. This procedure makes the skin smoother, softens the wrinkles and helps in the scar reduction.

Are PRP Injections for the face right for me?

If your skin is dull and lacking radiance and you looked aged before time, then PRP injections can help you out to get a refreshed and young skin. PRP treatment is a very simple and convenient treatment. Also, in case, you are unsure about the other complex skin treatments, then also, PRP injections are the right treatment for you.

PRP Injections at Mayfair

We, at Mayfair, uses PRP treatment successfully and it has proved to be an extremely useful in addressing all the concerns about the aging process that leads to changes in skin texture, radiance, firmness, flexibility, volume and wrinkle formation. We are also successfully treating dark areas under the eyes with PRP injections.

What do PRP injections include?

We, at Mayfair, uses PRP treatment successfully and it has proved to be an extremely useful in addressing all the concerns about the aging process that leads to changes in skin texture, radiance, firmness, flexibility, volume and wrinkle formation. We are also successfully treating dark areas under the eyes with PRP injections.

Can anyone have PRP injections?

PRP injections should be refrained from taking if you are suffering from facial cancer, undergoing chemotherapy or steroid therapy or suffering from any other dermatological diseases that are affecting your face, hair, blood and platelet abnormalities. Please make sure to disclose all these to your Hair transplant surgeon in Ahmedabad and also disclose if you are taking any anticoagulation therapy. It is also needed to inform the Doctor if you are taking any herbal medication that may lead to the thinning of the blood.

Benefits of PRP Injections for the face

  1. It involves minimal risk.
  2. It is a quick, easy and convenient procedure.
  3. Immediate recovery
  4. Great natural looking results.
  5. It is a natural procedure.
  6. No surgery involved.
  7. Smooth and fresh skin.

How long does it take to recover from PRP injections?

You can return to your daily life routine immediately after the treatment. However, strenuous activities and alcohol consumption should be avoided for at least two to three days. You can see the results of PRP treatments after about one to two weeks. The time of the results depends on the area that has been treated. A repeat treatment can be recommended after every six months by your surgeon on the basis of the requirement.

FAQs about PRP Restoration

Is PRP effective for all types of hair loss?
PRP is most effective for individuals experiencing early hair loss or those with thinning hair. It may not be as effective for advanced hair loss.
How long do hair transplant lasts?
Yes, PRP can complement other hair restoration methods, such as hair transplant surgery or medications, for a comprehensive approach.
Will I lose weight How long do the results of PRP hair treatment last?

Results vary, but maintenance sessions are typically recommended to sustain the benefits of PRP treatment.

We at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery ensure that you get adequate time for all your consultation appointments so that you can clear all your doubts by having an interactive session with Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon.

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A preferred destination for transformative cosmetic procedures, delivering unparalleled results for both locals and NRIs alike.

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