What is Buccal Fat Pad?

Buccal fat pad, also known as Bichat’s fat pad, is the prominent fat mass in the cheek that can make us appear over-weight.

Sometimes, this chubby cheek does not dissipate and stays till the adulthood also. In most cases, due to genetics,

Buccal fat might not get reduced even with extreme weight loss.

Buccal fat pad reduction is an elegant cosmetic surgery, that could be performed to slim your cheeks and face to give it a more firm and improved contour look.

How is Buccal Fat Removed?

A small incision inside the mouth is made under a local anesthetic agent to perform Buccal fat pad removal surgery. Medications to reduce the anxiety and pain are also given to the patient if needed. This surgery can be done in conjunction with other procedures like liposuction of neck or nose correction or facelift surgery in order to improve the shape and contouring of the face. This is a quick, simple and relatively painless procedure which leaves no outer scars.

Is Buccal Fat Pad Removal Surgery Right for me?

If you are fed up with your full looking cheeks and are tired of reducing it through many years of significant weight loss programs, then Buccal fat pad removal surgery can help you to get the firm and slim look of your face. This surgery should be undertaken after the age of 20.

Are there any risks and complications?

Buccal fat pad removal, like any other surgery, has risks and complications. However, in this procedure, the chances of occurrence of risks are rare and treatable if they occur.

Bleeding, infection, excessive swelling, bruising, unwanted depressions in the cheek are the commons possible complications that can occur after the surgery.

Will I be able to see the immediate result?

It is very difficult to see the immediate result due to the prominent swelling in the face after the surgery. But, after a few days, once the swelling subsides, you can see more sculpted cheek, towards the bottom and in the mid jawline.

This surgery would give your face more symmetry and your smile will be more beautiful and fresh than before. In our experience, people who have taken the decision to undergo this procedure are very happy and pleased with the result about how their entire face looks have become slimmer. It has added a lot their self-esteem

Buccal Fat Removal Surgery Recovery and Precaution

You can go home the same day after the surgery and do your daily routine. However, facial swelling might last for about 2-3 weeks before subsiding completely. You must avoid arduous activities.

You need to follow your diet plan as suggested by your surgeon. Mild discomfort during eating or speaking is expected and medications would be given to control the pain.

Cleansing inside mouth regularly should be done to avoid the risk of infection at the incision site.

FAQs about Buccal Fat Removal

Who is a suitable candidate for buccal fat removal?

Suitable candidates typically have full or chubby cheeks due to genetics rather than excess body weight. The procedure is popular among individuals seeking a more defined facial contour.

Can buccal fat removal be combined with other procedures?

Yes, buccal fat removal can be combined with other facial procedures like facelifts or rhinoplasty for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation, depending on individual goals.

Can the results of buccal fat removal be reversed?

The effects of buccal fat removal are permanent. If a patient desires fuller cheeks in the future, dermal fillers or fat grafting may be considered as alternatives.

We at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery ensure that you get adequate time for all your consultation appointments so that you can clear all your doubts by having an interactive session with Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon.

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