How does the fractional CO2 laser work?
The skin consists of three layers, the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (mid layer) and subcutis (lower fat layer).
The epidermis contains melanocytes that are responsible for the colour of the skin. The mid layer, that is dermis, consists of collagen and elastin fibers that are responsible for the strength, elasticity and toughness of the skin.
Due to aging, the outer layer, that is epidermis, becomes thinner, thus revealing the blemishes. Also, the collagen in the dermis, reduces gradually that leads to the formation of facial lines, sagging and wrinkled skin.
In Fractional laser treatment, both epidermis and dermis are targeted. In this procedure, the fractional CO2 laser machine fractionates, or pixellates the CO2 laser rays into thousands of tiny shafts of light that penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, thus removing the outer layer of the skin tissue and helps in the formation of new collagen.