Many improved techniques have evolved in the recent years and have made liposuction more safe, easy, and less painful. These newer techniques include:
- Tumescent liposuction - In this procedure, the area of the body is made numb by the use of local anesthetic agent where the cannulas are inserted. Then, before traditional liposuction is done, a generous amount of an anesthetic solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine is injected into the region. Tumescent liposuction may be a sleep through for many patients as it does not require general anesthesia.
- Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) - This process uses the same technique as tumescent. The only addition in this procedure is a vibrating tool is used that makes the process of breaking down of fat much faster and allows it to be removed more easily from the back and upper abdomen which are normally the dense areas.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) - Ultrasound is used to liquefy the fat using this technique. This makes the fat removal fast and easy to remove. Removal of the fat from the neck, upper abdomen, sides, and back may be done by using this technique.
- Vaser liposuction - is a variation of UAL in which the energy is evenly dispersed using the grooved cannula which thus improves the breakdown leading to its easy removal.
- Laser-assisted liposuction - A low-energy wave is used in this technique to liquefy the fat which is then removed by using the cannula.