Arm Lift for Weight Loss Patients- Addressing Excess Skin

Arm Lift for Weight Loss Patients- Addressing Excess Skin

The arm lift surgery is also known as Brachioplasty. It is a common cosmetic surgery opted by both women and men. The Brachioplasty procedure aims at treating the sagging underarm skin. It reduces excess skin and fat while smoothing and tightening the tissues. It offers a defined and toned look to the upper arms.

There can be several reasons for losing skin in the arms such as aging or genetics. One can be left with loose skin even after losing significant weight. Irrespective of the reason for losing skin, a few factors should be considered while opting for an arm lift surgery.

Preparing for an Arm Lift

A few steps must be taken weeks or months before the surgery to make the outcome as effective as possible. For example, smokers should quit smoking at least a month or two before the procedure to reduce the risk of any complications. Smoking can lead to complications and slow the process of wound healing. It can also increase the risk of infection.

The surgeon will also perform an evaluation to ensure that the candidate is ready for the procedure. They will look at the existing medical conditions and history. It is here that the candidate can also get their queries and concerns addressed.

Dr Kedarnath Pandya will check the underlying medical conditions and perform some tests such as an electrocardiogram, lab work, and chest x-ray along with adjusting the current medications and prescribing pre-operative medicines.

Arm Lift Procedure

The arm lift procedure starts with the doctor marking the area on the arm from where they intend to make the incision. There are different ways of performing the arm lift procedure but the most common areas consist of the inside and back of the arms. Other areas for incision include the armpit incision and the one which extends from the top elbow to the armpit.

The cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad will give general or local anesthetics based on the surgical method opted for. Depending on the marks made on the arm, the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad will make an incision followed by reshaping the tissues and tightening them. They will further pull the skin back and close the wound with stitches. In case of extra pockets of fat in the arm, it becomes difficult to fully heal and hence the doctor will use liposuction simultaneously to remove the fat. It takes almost three hours for the entire procedure.

You would need someone to drive you back home after the appointment. In case you need to stay at the hospital overnight, there should be someone to stay with you.

Risks Associated with Arm Lift

Like any other surgery, the arm lift procedure will come with few risks. Apart from the pain and infection, there are other risks associated with arm lifts such as:

  • Permanent scarring
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fatty tissue death
  • Fluid buildup
  • Nerve, muscle, and blood vessel damage

There are some risks associated with general anesthesia such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Confusion
  • Pneumonia
Recovering from an Arm Lift

During recovery, the cosmetic surgeon will advise you to wear a compression garment as it helps control the swelling. The doctor might also insert a temporary drainage tube in the arms to drain any blood or fluid which builds up after the surgery. The doctor will also give some postoperative instructions to take care of the wounds at home with medications. They will guide you about the warning signs to look for along with the follow-up appointment schedule. It is recommended to avoid smoking during the healing process.

The candidate can return to work and resume normal routine activities after two weeks of the surgery. Within six weeks, the patient can expect complete recovery. The arm lift scars might be visible initially but over the time they will become much lighter.

Cost of the Procedure

The arm lift cost in India is expected to be around INR 50,000. However, it can vary based on the city, experience of the doctor, hospital, and type of procedure used for arm lift. It is best to inquire about the exact cost of the surgery from the doctor during the initial consultation. Based on the evaluation they will be able to inform the exact cost.

Ideal Candidate for Arm Lift

Candidates of any age with loose skin on the upper arms are ideal candidates for the procedure. They should be in overall good health. The rest of the eligibility will be determined by the surgeon post evaluation. An arm lift is a great option for people experiencing loose skin in the arms that refuses to tone with the workout. The procedure offers tightened and a youthful appearance of the upper arm. It is important to choose an experienced, qualified, and certified cosmetic surgeon who can do justice to the expectations and offer safe and assured results. Making an informed decision takes you a long way.

Visit Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery today to get the best cosmetic surgeries in Ahmedabad.

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