Maintain Your Tummy Tuck Results

Maintain Your Tummy Tuck Results

You got a tummy tuck. Got amazing tummy tuck results. And, you are on top of this world after having a newly contoured body. Now, comes the real task. That is, maintaining the amazing results, you have.

A flatter tummy and slim figure are both pros of getting an abdominoplasty. So, if you had a recent surgery or are considering getting one, then this blog is definitely for you.

Let us help you understand how you can maintain a Tummy tuck for a longer time. But first things first.

What can Affect your Tummy Tuck Results?

There are two reasons where a woman could have reversing effects of a tummy tuck. One is excess weight gain and the other is getting pregnant.

Basically, a tummy tuck doesn’t mean that you can’t gain weight again in that area. That’s right. You have to keep a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Also, you must exercise regularly or you might have to go through a second tummy tuck.

The other reason is getting pregnant. Being pregnant can also reverse the mommy makeover results. You can get in touch with the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad Dr. Kedarnath Pandya and understand how you can minimize abdominal damage and what you can do to maintain a flat stomach post-delivery.   

Recover Lost Proteins

After a tummy tuck procedure, you have to provide the lost proteins to your body to bounce back. The lost nutrients can make you weak. However, in the beginning, you may not feel hungry. On account of medicines and the newly adjusted body. But you can have protein shakes and juices to recover the lost proteins. Your cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kedarnath pandya can guide you better in the post-surgery diet.

Maintaining Lasting Tummy Tuck Results
  • Exercise

Exercise is something that can boost your health and immunity. The best thing you can do is eating right. Eating right boosts your metabolism and strengthens muscles. Not to forget that it helps you maintain the amazing tummy tuck results. Post-surgery unnecessary physical strain is not recommended. This is mostly post 7-8 weeks. Before moving ahead with anything, always consult your cosmetic surgeon first.

  • Balanced Diet

Surgery or no surgery, eating a healthy and balanced diet is always advisable. You must avoid sugary drinks, foods rich in fat and high in sodium. As, while recovering from the surgery your stomach is very sensitive. Consuming foods that can cause a hindrance in a successful surgery is not recommended.

  • Follow Instructions

The best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad will always provide you with guidelines to maintain the results. You will be given a compression garment by the cosmetic surgeon. The compression garment helps your tummy get the best contoured results. So, wearing the garment is crucial post-surgery.

  • Avoid Smoking

To stay healthy, you need to quit smoking. Smoking can cause a roadblock in your recovery. Your skin and tissues need to heal properly.

  • Eat Healthy

You must consume fresh fruits, vegetables and leaner proteins to maintain the results of your tummy tuck. Eat smaller meals and avoid overeating. Because binging can result in weight gain and portions can assure that you don’t. So, eat in regular intervals and snack healthy to avoid hunger pangs.

  • Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is a must to have a contoured body. As, hydration can help you control hunger, help your digestion and enhance your metabolism rate. Drink water as prescribed by your surgeon. Because, you might have to consume water according to your body weight, size and needs.


A tummy tuck can help you get a flatter tummy but maintaining the results is completely in your control. Just by changing a few lifestyle choices, you will have a healthier, slimmer and better physique.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get a consultation from Dr. Kedarnath Pandya– one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Ahmedabad and know more about the surgery.

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