Healthy And Flawless Skin For Festive Season 2021

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Women have been using various methods of hair removal for years. However, none of them offer a permanent solution. Whether it is waxing, threading, shaving, or tweezing, hair grows back after a few days. Laser hair removal has emerged as a safe and effective option for permanent hair reduction. Over the years, permanent laser hair removal has become popular among women. It is chosen by many women as the taboo around cosmetic procedures is being overcome by our society in general.

If you are looking forward to put your best foot forward for the upcoming festive season, permanent laser hair removal in Ahmedabad is the best choice for you. A smooth and hair-free complexion is what most women want so that they can wear trendy dresses flaunting their arms, legs, and back. People believe that laser only removes hair from the body however, it can do much more.

How Permanent Laser Hair Removal Improves The Quality Of your Skin

The laser machine not only works on the upper layer of the skin but also in the lower layers. It leads to the production of new collagen and also helps in rebuilding tissue. This makes the skin appear plump and offers a youthful appearance.

  • Hair removal

One of the main reasons for getting a laser is obviously removing or reducing hair growth. Hair growth can be annoying when all you want is a flawless smooth skin. The hair removal techniques are more annoying than the hair growth itself. There can be nothing more amazing than not having to remove the hair every month. Hair-free skin looks and feels amazing to touch.

  • Skin rejuvenation

Removing the hair follicle offers a smooth appearance. The laser also improves the texture of your skin as it works on uneven skin tone. After 5-6 sessions, you will be able to see an improvement in skin texture. Hair-free skin in itself is amazing and on top of that, a skin with great tone and texture is incredible.

  • Skin tightening and tissue growth

As mentioned above, laser hair removal can stimulate collagen production and tissue growth. This is a significant benefit as these functions bring nutrients to the skin of the affected areas. It also increases volume and makes your skin look supple and youthful.

When Should You Start Your Laser Treatment?

If you wish to get the laser hair removal for festive season done, you must start the sessions well in advance. This will help in fetching great results. Experts say that fall and winters are the best time for getting laser hair removal done. It is a known fact that laser sessions take time. You can’t expect results in 1-2 sessions; it takes almost 5-6 sessions. The sessions need to be scheduled apart.

With the onset of summers, enough time isn’t left for getting the treatment complete. Also, you need to cover the treated area when going out in summer. It has also been observed that laser hair removal makes your skin more sensitive to the sun for a while.

By getting the treatment done in winters, one can avoid the sun exposure and heat that can lead to damage and discoloration. For fair-skinned people, the number of sessions can be reduced by getting the treatment done in the fall or winter season.

The laser hair removal cost in Ahmedabad depends on the cosmetic surgeon you choose and their experience.

You can get a consultation session scheduled with the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad- Dr. Kedarnath Pandya for getting your queries answered along with a price discussion. Making an informed decision is better before proceeding ahead. For anyone that wishes to flaunt a flawless skin this festive season, the laser can be the best solution.

Call us at +91 91060 03743!

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