Cosmetic Surgeries To Help Athletes

An athelete running

Cosmetic Surgeries for Athletes:

Athletes work really hard for maintaining their physique with the help of a healthy diet and strict exercise regimen. The sports practice and workout routine help in creating the toned physique they are aiming for. However, sometimes diet and exercise fail to bring a difference when it comes to specific areas of the body. It is here that cosmetic surgery can help.

Plastic surgeries for athletes can help in addressing concerns that diet and exercise can’t change. These issues can be nose abnormalities, damaged muscles, excess vaginal tissue, loose skin, and more. Here’s a look at cosmetic surgeries which can help athletes:


Liposuction is a procedure that aims to remove excess fat from stubborn areas. It might appear similar to a tummy tuck but both the different. A thin tube is used for breaking down and removing the fat from the body. This leaves you with a slimmer figure. The treatment is helpful for people who face challenges in losing fat from areas such as the thighs, stomach, back, and buttocks. After liposuction, athletes share feeling greater motivation and increased confidence.

Tummy tuck

The tummy tuck is also known as abdominoplasty. It is a plastic surgery that aims to remove excess loose skin around the tummy. It repairs damaged abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck is not meant for weight loss. It only helps in toning the figure and creating a sculpted physique. A tummy tuck can help athletes as they tighten and repair underlying abdominal muscles. Heavy training and injuries from contact sports can damage muscles in the abdominal wall by stretching and tearing them. A tummy tuck can help in repairing it.


Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that alters the bone and cartilage of the nose for creating a flattering appearance and resolving breathing issues. The procedure is popular for athletes as it can correct the damage to the nose because of sports injuries. Moreover, the procedure helps in healing nasal injuries and improving breathing difficulties that result from injuries. After the surgery, patients achieve a natural look which better suits their facial features.


If men have excess breast tissues it can lead to an enhanced appearance of breasts just like women. Furthermore, it can be resolved with the help of Gynecomastia surgery in Ahmedabad. Because it can be really inconvenient for the athletes to play their sport with enhanced breast area.

Bigger breast areas in athletes can interfere with their athletic performance in various ways. One of the most common issues can be pain and discomfort for the athlete in the form of back pain. Athletes find lighter breasts interfere less with upper body movements required for the athletic activities.

Different types of cosmetic surgeries can help athletes in various ways. However, the idea is to choose a reputed and experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya for the procedures. It is important to learn about the details of the procedure so that you can make an informed decision. Get a consultation session from the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad before considering the procedures.

Visit Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery today to get the best cosmetic surgeries in Ahmedabad.

Call us today at +91 91060 03743

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