What To Expect Before And After Rhinoplasty Surgery

A girl thinking to get rhinoplasty while having coffee

Cosmetic surgeries help in transforming your appearance. One such cosmetic procedure is Rhinoplasty. It re-shapes the nose if you are not happy with the proportion, size, or appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty can help in correcting a wide array of issues such as humps, depressed bridges, and uneven nostrils along with other irregularities.

How To Prepare For The Surgery?
  • You should avoid taking aspirin or anything which contains aspirin at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • You should inform the cosmetic surgeon if you are feeling sick or don with cold and flu in the weeks before the procedure.
  • You should start taking multi-vitamins two weeks before the surgery.
  • You should arrange for someone who can come along for the surgery and take you home after the procedure. They would also need to stay for 24 hours in the hospital with you after the procedure.
  • You should stock the prescriptions a few days before the procedure as per the guidance by your cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad.

It is not recommended to eat or drink at midnight before the surgery. Once you are back home after the surgery, you should only consume lighter food. You should shampoo your hair before the procedure as you might not be able to do it for a few days after the surgery. Get a good sleep before the procedure to relax and rest.

Don’t eat or drink anything in the morning before the surgery. The doctor might ask you to take some medicines in the morning. You can wash your face but avoid using any makeup or cosmetic products. It is better to avoid wearing comfortable clothes and no accessories. Wear clothes that don’t need to be pulled over the head as it can be troublesome after the surgery.

What To Expect After The Surgery

After the surgery, you will have a bandage on the bridge of the nose. You won’t have any packaging inside the nose but in some cases, thin splints might be placed inside. The surgery might make your feel tired but you will start feeling better after you get discharged and rest at home for a while.

  • You will be asked to keep the head elevated for preventing bruising as well as swelling.
  • During the first 48 hours after the surgery, it can help using ice packs and ice compress near the eyes and cheeks at least 4-5 times a day.
  • The cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad will ask you to stick to a liquid diet on the day of the surgery. You will be asked to take light food gradually in the days following the surgery.
  • You can expect some bloody discharge from the nose and you might have to change the gauze from time to time.
  • Avoid rubbing, wiping, or blotting the nose.
  • Sniffing and blowing from the nose are not allowed for two weeks.
  • Keep the edges of nostrils clean with Q-tip and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Take the medications as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Visit the doctor as per the follow-up schedule.

The doctor will offer guidance and instructions that will make your rhinoplasty before and after the journey smooth. It is better to take consultations with the surgeon for nose job surgery in Ahmedabad. You must choose a renowned and experienced surgeon just like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya as he can assure a successful outcome. Discuss about the procedure, outcome, recovery, and cost to make the appropriate decision.

Visit Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery today to get the best cosmetic surgeries in Ahmedabad.

Call us today at +91 91060 03743

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