Things You Should Know Before You Have Breast Implant Surgery

Things You Should Know Before You Have Breast Implant Surgery

Many women often feel that their breasts could be in a better shape or size. Well, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Safe breast implant surgery in Ahmedabad is the best for those women. However, it is important that you have all the information about the procedure before going ahead. You will find a lot of information on the internet which might be both good and bad.

Breast augmentation in Ahmedabad is a common procedure. But you need to get proper information about the recovery time, scarring, cost, safety, risks, types of implants, etc. Once you are clear about everything you can consider the surgery.

Let’s have a look at some information before you get your breast implant surgery done:

Breast augmentation is considered cosmetic surgery and it’s rare for insurance companies to cover the cost.

The cost of surgery is covered only if the insurance company thinks it is medically necessary. One instance when breast implant surgery is covered by the insurance company is when they are a part of the breast reconstruction process after mastectomy surgery.

Find out about the types of incision

There are four main types of incision that can be used during the breast augmentation procedure. The transaxillary incision is made under the armpit while the inframammary incision is made under your breast. The areolar incision is made on the areola with minimal scarring. In trans-umbilical breast augmentation, the incision is made around the navel.

Find more about your doctor, especially on social media

Once you have shortlisted a few options, you can not only find them on their website but on their social media pages as well. These platforms can offer key information on the kind of doctor you have chosen. You will get a lot of information about the surgeries they do. One will also find about the patients, people’s reviews and feedback. You can connect with their patients and gather information about their experience with the doctor. Dr. Kedarnath Pandya is the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad who has great experience and has the most successful cosmetic surgeries.

Avoid bigger implants

You should keep in mind that the breast implants you choose are not too large as compared to your physique. A significant portion of the errors is made with the incorrect size selection. Only an experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya will guide you regarding the suitable size of breast implant for you. Getting an implant that’s too big for your body can cause your breast tissue and surrounding muscles to become thinner.

There are different types of implants

There are various types of implant material such as silicone, saline, and autologous fat. While most of the patients go for silicone implants you can discuss the options with your surgeon and make an informed decision.

Implants don’t last forever

Implant surgery needs to be done more than once. Implants need to be changed within 12-15 years after the placement and sooner in some cases. In fact, factors such as weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can change the way your breasts look. Get a full idea by discussing it with the cosmetic surgeon near you.

Safe breast implant surgery in Ahmedabad is easy and fast but still you must get your facts cleared before moving ahead. Visiting a few breast implant clinics in Ahmedabad and discussing it with the surgeon will give you a fair idea about the procedure. Right information will assist you during your breast implant journey.

Contact Mayfair Advanced Aesthetic surgery to know more.

Call us at +91 91060 03743!

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