Ear Surgery or Otoplasty Surgery Procedure

Otoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure performed to change the shape, position or size of the ears. This procedure is also known as cosmetic ear surgery.

Therefore, if you or your child have protruding ears and are self-conscious about the shape or size of the ears, Otoplasty Surgery at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery Clinic is the right solution for you. This surgery would correct all the abnormalities in the structure of the ears.

The aim of the surgery is to help the person feel more comfortable and confident with how their ears look.

Is Otoplasty Surgery Procedure Right For Me?

If you have protruding ears which makes you conscious and even embarrasses you in front of others, then Otoplasty is the solution for you.

The aim of the surgery is to help the person feel more comfortable and confident with how their ears look.

When is the Best Time for Otoplasty Surgery?

Otoplasty is the most common surgery done for children between the ages of 4 to 14 years. Children’s ears are completely developed by the age of 4 years, therefore, further development of the ear will not impact the Otoplasty results.

Otoplasty is encouraged in early childhood as the cartilage can be easily re-shaped to the desired position. If a baby is born with prominent or folded ears, then, re-shaping their ears into a more normal shape with splinting is easy in the first four weeks after birth, after this age, the cartilage does not respond to splinting and it takes surgical intervention to reshape the cartilage.

Another most important reason, Otoplasty is recommended in childhood because, after the age of four, children might become aware of their prominent ears which can make them conscious among others.

This procedure can also be performed in the later stage of life. In a later age, the ear cartilage is not as soft as it is in small children, still with proper surgical technique desired results can be achieved.

What does Otoplasty Surgery Involve?

The aim of Otoplasty is to reshape the cartilage and give the desired and symmetrical shape to the ears, thus improving the physical appearance and hence confidence.

After careful measurements of the ear, the surgery starts with an incision behind the ear which exposes the cartilage under the skin. The cartilage is then subtly re-shaped using cuts and stitches to hold the ear in the desired shape. The incision is closed with stitches and the sterile dressing is placed over the suture line and ears are covered with a bandage.

This bandage needs to be worn for at least a week.

This surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia in case of adults and in case of children, the surgery is performed under general anaesthesia.

There can be some minor issues like swelling, bruising and mild pain after the surgery but side effects like wound infection, poor healing, bleeding are very rare. In very little number of patients further corrective surgery is under taken in case of inadequate correction due to stiff cartilage in adult patients.

However, they are rare. You need to follow your doctor’s instructions very carefully for the best outcome and pleasing results.

Otoplasty Surgery Recovery:

Both children and adults can go home the same day of the surgery. You will be given a prescription for pain relief medicine, aftercare instructions and a follow-up appointment.

It’s very normal to feel little discomfort after surgery but pain relief medicines will readily control this. Dressing is done at the first follow-up appointment and the bandage is reapplied and kept for next one week. Then a lighter bandage will be placed only if required otherwise in majority of the cases only small dressing covering the suture line is kept.

The patient should take proper rest for the first week after the surgery.

Avoid sports for the first month after the surgery. Scars present at the back of the ear usually heal really and the scar fades over a period of time and becomes invisible.

FAQs about Otoplasty

Can otoplasty be performed on one ear only?

Yes, otoplasty can be performed on one or both ears, depending on the patient’s needs and desired outcome.

At what age can otoplasty be performed?

Otoplasty is often performed on children aged 5 or older when ear development is nearly complete. However, adults can also undergo the procedure at any age.

What is otoplasty, and what issues does it address?

Otoplasty, or ear surgery, is a procedure that addresses concerns with the shape, size, or positioning of the ears. It is commonly performed to correct prominent or misshapen ears.

We at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery ensure that you get adequate time for all your consultation appointments so that you can clear all your doubts by having an interactive session with Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon.

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