How to Choose the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Your Needs

Confused young man examining hair loss with text 'How to Choose the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Your Needs' and Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery logo, representing expert hair restoration solutions.

Hair loss can be one of the major concerns for any individual. Some hair loss is normal and resolves within a few weeks or months. However, if the hair fall is severe or lasts for a few months or longer, it can cause concern.

Losing hair can be a sign of an underlying issue. Regardless of the reason, it can be stressful and impact your appearance and confidence. It is here that hair loss treatments come into the picture!

Common Causes of Hair Fall

  • Hair loss can be hereditary.
  • It can be a result of the ageing process.
  • In some people, hair fall is a result of alopecia areata.
  • Tight hairstyles over a prolonged period can lead to hair fall.
  • In women, hormonal imbalance is a cause of hair fall. 

Factors to Consider While Choosing the Right Treatment for Hair Loss

  • Consultation

The first step towards finding the right treatment is to get a consultation. You need to find the right clinic and an experienced doctor like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya who can help you with the diagnosis.

The first step in deciding on a treatment is to get an accurate diagnosis. When the doctor near Thaltej can determine the root cause of hair loss, it is easier to decide which treatment can offer the desired results.

  • Customized Treatment Plan

Once the initial consultation is done, the hair transplant doctor can tailor the treatment plan based on your specific needs. When looking for a suitable treatment, it is also essential to ensure safety.

Discuss the treatment plan in detail with the hair transplant surgeon and try to learn about the pros and cons. Clarity on what to expect before, during, and after the treatment empowers you to make the right decision.

Ask as many questions to the best hair transplant doctor in Ahmedabad Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, until you are sure about the procedure and its results. Having a look at the before-and-after pictures of candidates who have undergone the procedure will offer further assurance.

Common Hair Loss Treatments

  1. Hair Transplant

Hair transplant has emerged as one of the most commonly used treatments for severe hair loss. In this method, hair is transplanted to the thinning and balding parts of the scalp.

During the procedure, hair grafts are extracted from other areas of the scalp, typically the back of the head, and transplanted into the areas that lack hair.

It can take 6 months to a year to witness the full effect of the procedure. Once the graft heals, the transplanted hair may fall. This hair will grow back eventually!

There are two hair transplant treatments namely FUT and FUE at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery in Ahmedabad.

  1. Platelet- Rich Plasma

PRP, found in blood fragments, is used during the procedure to improve tissue function. PRP is injected into the scalp to treat and repair hair loss.

When our body endures an injury, PRP helps form blood clots. Platelets consist of growth factors and cytokines, which assist in repairing wounds and promoting healing.

When Should You See a Dr Kedarnath Pandya for Hair Loss?

It is expected to experience some hair loss in both men and women. The hair usually re-grows within a few months. However, if re-growth is a concern and the rate of hair fall is severe, it is recommended to start therapy.

The sooner you start the treatment, the more likely you are to witness positive results. Be patient with the process, as expected results will take some time to show.


It is essential to find the underlying reason causing severe hair loss so that it can be treated accordingly. After consultation, Dr Kedarnath Pandya can help you decide which treatment will benefit you, from invasive or non-invasive hair loss treatment.

If you have any questions about the types of hair loss treatments, write to us or connect with our team today!


Visit Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery today to get the best cosmetic surgeries in Ahmedabad.

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