Breast Reduction Surgery in 2024- What to Expect Before, During, and After

A girl is measuring her breast after breast reduction surgery in Ahmedabad

Breast Reduction Surgery in Ahmedabad

Women with big breasts can feel uncomfortable due to excessive pressure on the neck, back, and shoulder, leading to pain and rashes. It also becomes a cause of emotional distress in some women. Heavier breasts can lead to confidence issues in women. However, it is possible to get rid of the discomfort and distress with a breast reduction procedure.

Breast reduction surgery in Ahmedabad is a common procedure meant for women experiencing complications from bigger breasts. Women who wish to get relief from pain and pressure and are in overall good health can opt for breast reductions. Here’s a look at what to expect before, during, and after the procedure:

Before the Procedure

After the consultation, Dr. Kedarnath Pandya will prescribe a Vitamin C or a multivitamin supplement a few weeks before the reduction mammoplasty. It helps in improving the healing process. The doctor will also ask you to cut back on alcohol consumption and avoid smoking a few weeks before the surgery. It helps in reducing the surgical risks.

Your doctor will also perform some mandatory pre-operative tests to get an idea about your overall health. A standard blood work will be done to make sure that there is minimal risk. They might also ask for an ECG test for patients with a history of cardiac issues. A mammogram is usually recommended for patients over the age of 40.

The cosmetic surgeon near you will review your existing medications and will ask you to stop a few medications or prescribe some medications that you need to take the morning of surgery.

During the Procedure

The breast-reducing surgery is an outpatient one which is performed on the same day. The surgery takes around two to three hours wherein the surgeon removes the excessive tissues, fat, and skin from the breasts. This helps in achieving a desirable breast size.

The breast reduction size depends on the existing size of the breast, associated discomfort, and discussion with the patient. There are different techniques for incision but in most cases, the surgeon will choose the one that leaves minimal scarring. An incision is made around the nipple and areola to extract the fat and tissues to achieve the desired size of the breasts.

The procedure can be done with general anesthesia and the patient is advised to avoid any food or liquid after midnight; before the day of surgery. You will be asked to bring along someone who can drive you back home after the surgery.

After the Procedure

Recovery after breast reduction is divided into two phases:

Short-term Recovery- Within 4 Weeks

This is the initial phase of recovery wherein patients must avoid lifting any heavy objects along with avoiding upper extremity movements like pushing, pulling, and reaching. It enables them to reduce any stress on the incisions. Most of the patients begin to feel normal within 2 weeks of the procedure, provided you avoid rigorous physical activities.

Patients will be wrapped in a surgical ace wrap with a drain attached to each breast till their first visit to the clinic post-operation. This is for 2-3 days after the surgery wherein the patient is not allowed to shower.

Patients would be given a special kind of sports bra during their first post-operative visit. The bra fastens in the front and is gentle on the incision. The patient is asked to wear the bra 24*7, even to the bed, for a span of four weeks.

Though the complications are rare, they might occur in this phase. If you notice any signs such as a high-grade fever, redness, swelling, or drainage at the incision, it is time to call the surgeon right away!

Long-term Recovery- Up to Six Months

During this phase of recovery, the scars will begin to fade away and the swelling will resolve. You will gain back the sensation around the areola and nipple. It is to be noted that the accurate size of the breasts after surgery will appear once the swelling subsides.

The doctor will ask to continue the multivitamin for the healing of scars along with using a gel or Vitamin E cream to keep the skin hydrated. When using both, one should be used in the morning and the other at night!

After a month of breast reduction surgery in Ahmedabad at Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery, you can switch from a sports bra to a softer one. However, it is recommended to wear a good supportive bra and avoid underwire bras for at least six months.

It is recommended that women opt for breast reduction procedures once they are done with planning babies and breastfeeding. This will make sure that the results of the procedure last longer. It is also recommended to maintain an ideal weight to enjoy the benefits of the surgery.


Breast reduction or mammoplasty is a common procedure opted by women across the globe. It is a safe procedure that offers desired results and improves the quality of life for women suffering from the side effects of heavier breasts. It is recommended to opt for an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya and well- equipped clinic to ensure safe and positive results.

Visit Mayfair Aesthetic Surgery today to get the best cosmetic surgeries in Ahmedabad.

Call us today at +91 91060 03743

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